Experts in sustainable student travel since 2002. Discover our fully supported ethical journeys.
As a global social enterprise, we connect you with the real world and real people. The result? Incredible expeditions that create a lasting positive impact – for our travellers and for the planet.
Experience authentic culture and environmental diversity in our unique network of permanent camps – built and staffed by local people and based right in the heart of amazing communities.
We’re not like other school expedition providers. As a social enterprise, we are driven by our strong sense of purpose, which forms our foundation and determines every aspect of the way we operate.
We invest in building permanent camps in the heart of the places we care about. We commit to the highest standards of responsible tourism throughout all our operations. We work in partnership with local communities and employ a fantastically diverse team of passionate staff around the globe.
Most importantly, we put purpose before profit, always. We call this the Camps Effect and it is the engine that drives our positive impact – for the young people who travel with us and for the planet.
About us
Our approach is grounded in the principle that the education of young people is one that takes place both in the classroom and in the real world. The global pandemic challenged us in this belief but out of adversity Real World Studies was born. It is a growing, blended learning programme made up of over 200 educational resources, coupled with Connect with Camps online sessions, and it enables both teachers and students to link directly with our in-country teams to discuss global issues.
The programme is structured in such a way that they can be used either as a coherent programme of learning in themselves, or as a means of developing knowledge before future travel. Created by a community of teachers and Camps local project experts, Real World Studies uses Design Thinking methodology and links to the UN SDGs to help our students become Responsible Travellers and work toward creating the world that they want to live in.
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